Islington Greens in the press

IGP member Becky Wright wrote to the Islington Tribune this week on the issue of Homes for Islington moving from a 24 to 18 hour heating arrangement.

Her text is below and you can also see it on the Tribune’s website

When I read that Homes for Islington (HfI) had made the decision to move to an 18-hour heating arrangement on estates, two things sprung to mind: the impact this would have in winter on elderly neighbours, and how the closure of the Green Living Centre (also planned as part of these cuts) would compound the effect of moving to 18 hours heating (Frosty welcome for plans to axe heating at night, October 22).

While I am sympathetic to the arguments that moving from a 24- to 18-hour arrangement could save up to £300,000 and have a positive impact on the environment, I am concerned that a blanket switch-off without any other measures could plunge residents into fuel poverty. 

Households do not need to be continuously heated in order to achieve healthy temperatures if they are properly insulated. The soon-to-be-axed Green Living Centre helped residents by giving fantastic advice to households on how they could manage their energy to avoid the discomfort and ill health associated with fuel poverty.

If we are to have changes in services they need to be considered in the round. If there is a blanket switch-off without the provision of effective advice, or without the necessary moves for insulation or renewable energy, we will be ensuring that the most in need of affordable warmth will be left out in the cold. 


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