Islington Green Councillors
Cllr Benali Hamdache

Benali works for an children’s charity focusing on poverty, conflict and hunger here and abroad. He’s also worked for disability and human rights charities. He has lived in Highbury since 2017.
Benali said “We’re ready to get stuck into making a difference for our community. We promise to be a constructive opposition. Celebrating the council when they get it right, and holding them accountable when they get it wrong.
“We’re focused on tackling the issues the council isn’t doing enough on right now. From the heartbreaking neglect of our council estates to trying to fighting the closure of Sotheby Mews Day Centre”
Twitter: @greenbenaliFacebook: Cllr Benali Hamdache
Cllr Ernestas Armstrong-Jegorovas

Ernestas is an assistant headteacher and Head of Science at a school in Central London. He volunteers at the food bank at Elizabeth House and for the community gardening projects at Highbury Quadrant.
Ernestas said “I got involved with local politics because I saw how many children were struggling in our schools despite the great efforts of teachers. I’m convinced of the significant role the council has to support kids and their families.”
Twitter: @greenasernestas
Cllr Caroline Russell

Caroline has served as one of Highbury’s Councillors since 2014. She’s successfully campaigned for reduced council tax bills for Islington’s poorest residents, recycling made easier on the Quadrant Estate and winning the campaign for a new zebra crossing at Highbury Barn.
Caroline said: “I got into politics after a child was killed by a lorry on Blackstock Rd. I’m passionate about reducing road danger, cleaning up our air and making streets safe for children, older and disabled people.
“As a councillor, I’ve worked hard to make sure Highbury’s residents’ voices are heard and the council is delivering for our community. I’m very excited about the difference a team of Green Councillors can make for Highbury.“
Twitter: @carolinerussellFacebook: Caroline Russell