Islington Greens to dance in celebration – and for well-being

On Friday 3rd December at Islington Central Library, Islington Green Party will be hosting a ceilidh dancing evening as a celebration for their growing local supporter base. Research suggests ceilidh dancing also has multiple connections to improved well-being.

Local Green campaigner Caroline Russell said: "In these difficult times of job losses and massive cutbacks to local services, finding things to celebrate can seem difficult. But we think that at times like these it’s all the more important to find ways to have fun. Evidence shows that having positive experiences is actually crucial to building up the resilience to cope in hard times.

"We realised that ceilidh dancing involves many of the actions which research has identified as promoting well-being: connecting with people, learning new things, and living in the moment. And doing even 10 minutes of physical activity has been shown to be the fastest way out of a bad mood. So we’re encouraging local people to come along and see for themselves how much better an evening of dancing and fun can make them feel".

With music provided by the Climate Camp house band, Green Kite Midnight, the Greens hope the event will show off their lighter side. It will act as a thank you and celebration for their local supporter base, which has been growing steadily, with more than half of members having joined in the last two years.

The evening is also supporting the work of Folk Against Fascism.
 Folk Against Fascism was formed because many in the folk community
wanted to say that you can be proud of England’s music, traditions and
customs without being a bigot or a racist.  They want to keep to keep
folk free from the taint of right-wing extremism.  

The event will be held from 7.30-11pm on Friday 3 December, in the
Main Hall, Islington Central Library, 2 Fieldway Crescent, N5 1PF. Tickets cost £10, £5 concessions and £15 if you can.


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