Air quality and Health in Islington

Last week saw the government issuing smog warnings because London has had thirty-six "bad air days"  since January 1st 2011.  According to EU law, thirty-five of these are permitted annually, so London has used its entire pollution allowance in the first four months of the year.  As London prepares for the Olympic Games, supposedly the "greenest ever", it appears that we are fast becoming a world leader in air pollution and are at risk of losing £175 million in international broadcast fees if we fail to comply with EU pollution limits.

London’s air pollution is directly attributable to vehicle emissions. Ground level ozone is formed when sunlight acts on nitrogen dioxides and other atmospheric substances which come from a range of sources, including petrol and other fuels. Particulates, or PM10s are also emitted by car exhausts.  Defra have advised asthma sufferers to stay indoors and all of us to avoid exercise in the afternoons and minimise unnecessary car journeys.

In Islington however, residents are encouraged to make short car journeys using the new "Roamer Parking" and "Unlimited Visitor Voucher" schemes.  Labour Councillors describe the schemes as "convenient and popular".  They may well be convenient and popular with the minority of residents with access to a car, but for those suffering from hay fever, asthma, lung or cardio-vascular disease the consequences are deadly serious.  We have excellent public transport connections in Islington and many distances are short enough to walk or cycle.  The Council should revoke the Roamer Parking and Unlimited Visitor Voucher schemes immediately to help improve air quality by minimising vehicle movements in the borough. 

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