31st January 2012 by Islington Green Party
A new school, 576 bobbies or 105 hybrid buses: Boris’ opposition to Robin Hood tax is costing Islington dearly, says Green candidate Caroline Allen Boris Johnson’s opposition to a ‘Robin Hood Tax’ is depriving local people in Islington of money that could pay for hundreds of new police officers, revitalise local transport, build new […]
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20th January 2012 by Islington Green Party
Local residents wishing to "play a role in influencing decisions and services in their areas" are invited by the Council to do so through attendance at regular Ward Partnership meetings with elected councillors in each of Islington’s sixteen wards. While seven Ward Partnerships are meeting regularly, one appears never to have met, nine wards have no future […]
17th January 2012 by Islington Green Party
Green Party Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones, joined leafleters at Highbury and Islington tube station on Tuesday and pledged that a Green City Hall would support small businesses by ensuring that any part of the Greater London Authority group—including Transport for London—would only deal with banks that could demonstrate they were lending to London’s small businesses. […]
13th January 2012 by Islington Green Party
Reacting to figures released this week that show child poverty stands at 39% in Hackney, 43% in Islington and 31% in Waltham Forest, Caroline Allen, Green Party London Assembly candidate for the North East constituency, which incorporates the boroughs, said: " I believe it is now harder to get out of poverty than it has […]