Greens become third party in Mayoral and Assembly elections in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest and register more Green votes than anywhere else in London.

Greens become third party in Mayoral and Assembly elections in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest and register more Green votes than anywhere else in London.
Green Party outpolls Liberal Democrats on party list in North East constituency by over 14,000 votes 
Greens outpoll Liberal Democrats for first time in first past the post constituency vote
Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest chooses Green mayoral candidate Jenny Jones over the Lib Dem’s Brian Paddick in both first and second preference votes
For the first time ever the Green Party has overtaken the Liberal Democrats as the third most popular party in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest. 
In last week’s elections for Mayor and the London Assembly, the Green Party significantly outpolled the Liberal Democrats in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest in every vote.
On the party list, where voters place a cross next to the party they most support, the Greens finished ahead of the Liberal Democrats by 14,252 votes. (1)
In the first-past-the-post election, Caroline Allen received more than twice the votes of the Lib Dem candidate and gave the conservatives a run for their money. (2)
In the mayoral race the Green party’s mayoral candidate Jenny Jones beat the Lib Dem’s Brian Paddick in North East Constituency in both first and second preference votes. (3) 
Caroline Allen, the Green Party’s London Assembly candidate for North East constituency said: “We are hugely grateful to everyone who voted for the Green Party in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest. This is our best result ever, and shows that the party’s upward momentum is continuing.
“The Green Party has now established itself in Islington, Hackney and Waltham Forest and across London as the third party.“
“With these votes comes the responsibility to continue campaigning on the issues that are important to local residents, from protecting people’s health and wellbeing to fighting for a more equal Islington.  We look forward to continuing to work with the people of Islington to achieve this.” 
Notes to editors
(1) In the vote for the party list, the Green Party got 26,004 votes in North East Constituency more than double the 11,752 votes for the Lib Dems
(2) In the first past-the-post election, Caroline Allen, Green party candidate received 29,677 votes (15.5%) and Farooq Quereshi Lib Dem candidate received 13,237 (6.9%)
(3) Green mayoral candidate Jenny Jones received 14,498  first preference votes and 41,074 second preference votes in North East. The Lib Dem’s Brian Paddick received 8,462 first preference votes and 28,046 second preferences. 
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