12th July 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party has called for Islington’s Labour Council to stop investing in tobacco firms after an FoI request by an NHS nurse revealed that it had put £13 million into tobacco companies as part of its £750m pension pot. Emma Dixon of Islington Greens said: “Smoking is estimated to cost the NHS £5.2 billion every year. […]
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5th July 2012 by Islington Green Party
Following the successful campaign to save the Whittington Hospital A&E from Labour Government cuts in 2010, our local hospital is once again under threat. The so-called ‘austerity’ agenda of the Con-Dem government means that the Whittington Hospital faces cuts calculated by the Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition (DWHC) at a total of £13 million up […]