20th September 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Greens and Climate Rush campaigners are calling for action to address Islington’s health damaging air pollution. This Saturday, International Car Free Day, they are touring Highbury with a “Clean Air Cloud”, creating an opportunity to imagine life with streets free from cars, and the associated noise, danger and pollution that come with them. Caroline Russell said “Regrettably […]
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7th September 2012 by Islington Green Party
Recently released statistics show the number of road accidents has increased in areas with a 20mph limit but contrary to letters in the Islington Tribune (‘Sobering rise in accidents on roads with 20mph limit’ Tribune 31st August) Caroline Russell said “it is wrong to imply that these figures suggest lower speeds somehow increase risk. The numbers […]
3rd September 2012 by Islington Green Party
Here is a short film about Natalie