19th October 2012 by Islington Green Party
Following last November’s decision by the Islington Council Executive to roll out 20mph limits on all borough controlled MAIN roads, the Council Executive last night decided to go ahead with implementation following a statutory consultation despite objections from the police. Caroline Allen said “Green Councillor Katie Dawson’s motion to bring 20 mph limits across Islington […]
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9th October 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party activists spent much of the summer successfully fighting Network Rail’s campaign of tree clearance in Islington – but it now appears Network Rail has not learned its lesson, with yet more destruction and broken promises last weekend. The site of the latest devastation is St Paul’s Road, where residents awoke without prior […]
Islington Green Party has this week exposed an event aimed at encouraging women to become councillors in the borough as little more than a recruiting exercise for the local Labour Party – paid for by taxpayers’ money. Islington’s Labour party councillors have been promoting the ‘Be a Councillor’ event which they claim is aimed […]