Greens call for 20mph on Holloway Rd

Following last November’s decision by the Islington Council Executive to roll out 20mph limits on all borough controlled MAIN roads, the Council Executive last night decided to go ahead with implementation following a statutory consultation despite objections from the police.

Caroline Allen said  “Green Councillor Katie Dawson’s motion to bring 20 mph limits across Islington is at last becoming a reality.  Islington Green Party is proud to have helped build the widespread support for 20mph limits along with many other Islington community groups.  This sensible and transformatory measure will make a real difference to the lives of communities living alongside some of our most congested roads.  This is great for the safety, health and well-being of residents across the borough”

Caroline Russell said “The Council Executive made the right decision last night.  Islington is showing the way towards re-balancing the priorities on London’s streets.  Now Transport for London (TfL) should join in.  We want to see 20mph limits on the A1 as it passes through Islington.  Some of our poorest communities live alongside Holloway Road. TfL should reduce the speed limit and let Islington residents get on with their lives in safer and more liveable environment.”


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