Islington Green Party welcomes LFEPA’s decision to reject fire station closures.

This Monday, Green, Labour and Lib Dem members of the London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) came together to vote down proposals to close a number of London fire stations. The plans had proposed the closure of 12 fire stations and redundancy for 400 fire fighters and 100 civilian staff. This was to include Clerkenwell Firestation in Islington.
Caroline Russell said “Islington Green Party welcomes LFEPA’s decision to reject these closures.  Sadly, the danger remains that the Conservative Mayor will ignore the view of the Authority and push these damaging cuts through.”
“A far better solution, proposed by Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson, would be for the Mayor to scrap his proposed 7p a week cut in the average council tax and use the savings to halt these dangerous closures before they start.”
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