27th March 2013 by Islington Green Party
Earlier this month, Ms Caitlin Reilly, an unemployed graduate forced to work in Poundland for free, won her legal challenge against the so-called “workfare” scheme under which jobseekers are required to work unpaid or risk having social security benefits deducted, resulting in very considerable personal hardship or destitution. The result of that legal victory was […]
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19th March 2013 by Islington Green Party
Islington Greens have called on the Labour Council in Islington to follow Brighton Green Council’s lead and ensure that none of its social tenants will be evicted if they cannot afford to pay the government’s forthcoming ‘bedroom tax.’ Islington St George’s ward by-election candidate Jon Nott said: “The so-called ‘spare room subsidy’ is yet more […]
Greens from across London including large numbers from Camden, Islington and Haringey joined thousands of local residents marching to save vital services at our local hospital.Green Party Leader, Natalie Bennett marched alongside residents and spoke at the rally, calling for “the Whittington to be protected and for an end to privatisation.” She continued “The Green […]
Islington Green Party has this week lodged a formal complaint with Islington Council after four Labour councillors stepped in to require officers to fell a healthy pear tree in Gillespie Road, Highbury. Last week, the local press reported that Islington Council had ignored its own officers and policy to chop down the mature tree, which was […]
18th March 2013 by Islington Green Party
From the ‘bedroom tax’ and NHS privatisation through to workfare and ATOS assessments, is there any terrible action taken by this coalition that wasn’t started by the previous Labour government? If you believe in a public health service, a living wage, decent benefits and job creation then there is a party for you, it’s the […]