Islington Greens support #Space4Cycling

Islington Green Party is supporting all 16 of the London Cycling Campaign’s (LCC) ‘asks’ to improve Islington’s roads.

Candidates standing for Islington Greens have a consistent track record on active cycle campaigning, including improving the Madras Place crossing, the Londoners on Bikes Mayoral Election campaign 2012, and supporting LCC campaign rides and Roadpeace vigils across London.

The Green Party has a comprehensive range of policies supporting active travel and prioritising the movement of people on bikes and on foot over that of vehicles. We see safer streets for cycling as part of the solution to reducing road danger, air pollution and carbon emissions and making our city more liveable.

Over fourteen years on the London Assembly, Jenny Jones AM has championed the cycling cause and demonstrated the commitment of Green politicians to meeting the needs of vulnerable road users.

Islington Green Party Councillor Katie Dawson (Highbury West 2006 – 2010) introduced the 20mph limit on all our residential roads. Islington Greens campaigned and successfully made the case for 20mph limits on our main roads on the basis that the majority of serious collisions happen on main roads. We are now pressing TfL to bring 20mph limits to the Mayor’s roads.

Highbury East candidate Caroline Russell raised the issue of Lorry danger reduction in the Council chamber and we were very pleased that the Labour-led council took action to ensure all HGV drivers working on contracts in the borough undertake training.

Since the last election, Labour has introduced over 800 additional parking bays across the borough, despite car ownership levels going down year on year. The latest census shows only 35% of Islington residents have access to a car or van and the council’s policies should reflect that. Labour just don’t get that encouraging car use is the wrong solution for transport in islington.

Any elected Islington Greens will work with local residents and Islington Cyclists’ Action Group to help make our streets more people-friendly, less vehicle-dominated, and great places to walk and cycle.

We care about cycling as much as you do. VOTE GREEN in Islington.

Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @islingtongreens @greenhighbury and @greenfinsbury, and visit our homepage to sign up for updates, and make a donation if you can afford it. As a small but growing party we are dependent on multiple small donations from people like you.

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