Vote Green for a positive vision of Europe!

Due to the incessant national media coverage of UKIP, not many people have heard the Green Party’s view on Europe.

Being pro-democracy, we are in favour of having a referendum on Europe. We want to see the arguments brought out in the open and properly discussed. Greens also see an urgent need for reform in Europe, another reason why we should stay in!

Unlike the Tories and Labour who have been running scared of UKIP, we want to discuss the economic and social benefits of staying in Europe. These include the rights of workers to move freely in Europe but also to have the protections fought for in Europe such as the working time directive to limit excessive long hours at work.

The Greens, who are in a larger European group than the Conservatives, have significant power in Europe, and while our Green Party MEPS turn up, debate and vote, UKIP MEPs take the money but rarely even show.

The Financial Times has reported that UKIP MEPs fail to protect British business interests in Brussels. UKIP also don’t believe in workers’ rights or trade unions and, unbelievably, in November UKIP MEP, Godfrey Bloom, said that if you were unemployed you shouldn’t be able to vote!

The electorate should judge UKIP themselves of course, and the media certainly devotes a lot of attention to them – but take a look at the Green Party in Europe. Green MEPs, for instance, oppose the EU/US Trade deal which could threaten workers’ rights with a race to the bottom.

There is no point in sending a UKIP MEP to Europe as they rarely bother debating or voting. Vote Green in Europe as the election is proportional, every vote counts, and send a message that we want a referendum but we want to stay in Europe.

The Greens will fight for a better future for safer food, better workers’ rights and animal protection and the badly needed reform in Europe.

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