It’s time to Vote Green!

Islington is ready for fresh ideas, a new approach to democracy and a change from the two parties which have dominated the borough’s politics for decades.

That’s the message Greens are hearing on the doorstep every day, as we speak to Islington voters who are tired of being let down by Labour and Lib Dem administrations at the Town Hall.

Green Party candidates have learned that the things that matter to us matter to you too.

Providing more affordable housing, with secure tenancies; making our streets safe for everyone, including children and elderly; standing up to Mayor Boris on the chronic air pollution problem, to name but a few.

You want your councillors to be accountable to you.

In too many wards, councillors are simply not engaging with the people who elected them. ‘Ward partnership’ meetings are toothless and either not publicised or in some cases not held at all. We will make sure your voice is heard and your view represented in the Town Hall.

Greens are proud of Islington’s diverse history and culture and will continue to speak up for women, and for BME [black and minority ethnic], LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] and disabled people.

We’ll counter prejudice wherever we find it and reaffirm the positive contribution that immigrants make to Islington.

Greens deplore the Coalition’s ever-deeper cuts to funding for essential services and promise to work to protect residents and the services we rely on from the government’s austerity agenda.

These elections are an opportunity to choose the people you want standing up for you at the Town Hall, making local decisions about our brilliant borough.

Tribune readers will remember that from 2006 to 2010 just a single Green councillor, Katie Dawson, punched well above her weight, making a huge difference for residents in her ward and across the borough.

Our new candidates are committed to continuing and building on Katie’s achievements for the next four years

It is very likely that the council election will see an increased Labour majority.

The Lib Dem vote is in steep decline, and the Conservatives haven’t won a seat here for 30 years.

An all-Labour council would not be good for Islington democracy. We need an effective opposition to ensure the council is held to account and is doing the best it can for our borough.

The Green Party came second to Labour across the whole of Islington North in the 2012 London Assembly election, beating the Lib Dems – and with your support, we can see more Green councillors elected this time.

Another Labour councillor won’t send any meaningful protest message to David Cameron and won’t make any difference in Islington.

The Liberal Democrats don’t provide the opposition we need. It’s time to Go Green.

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