Cllr Caroline Russell speaks out against failure to reduce motorway speed limits to 60mph

Green Party local transport spokeswoman and Islington Councillor, Caroline Russell, has spoken to the BBC News website about her concern that Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, intends to abandon plans to cut the speed limit on parts of the M3 and M1 motorways that would cut air pollution. The BBC News article highlights the intention to allow hard shoulder running during busy periods which the Highways Agency is concerned will mean they will break EU air quality rules due to the increased traffic levels.

Caroline Russell

Cllr Russell said: “Air pollution is a public health emergency and seriously affects the health of those travelling in cars and those living nearby to busy roads. Cutting the speed limit to 60mph is a sensible suggestion, it would cut pollution, cut fuel costs for motorists and increase road capacity as slower moving vehicles need shorter stopping distances. If Mr McLoughlin really wants to deliver smart motorways he should seize this opportunity to improve journey time reliability and protect our health with 60mph motorway limits.”

The full article can be read on the BBC News website here.

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