Islington Green Party Welcomes 20mph Speed Limit Fines

Charlie Kiss and Cllr Caroline Russell

From today, drivers who break the 20mph speed limit on Islington’s roads could face being given both an on-the-spot fine and points on their licences.

Former Green Councillor Katie Dawson brought the motion for the original borough-wide speed limit and Islington Greens campaigned for its extension to the council’s main roads in 2011.

At the moment the limit does not affect Islington’s Transport for London-run ‘red routes’ but the Green Party will continue to campaign until all of the borough’s roads are covered by a speed limit that has been proven to reduce collisions and injuries and save lives.

Councillor Caroline Russell, parliamentary candidate for Islington North said: “It is very encouraging that the borough commander is at last going to fine those drivers who choose to flout the speed limit.  Residents frequently complain to me about the speed at which vehicles travel through Highbury endangering pedestrians and cyclists and making it hard to cross the road.  Hopefully the reality of fines for those who drive too fast will slow people down and help make our streets nicer places to live, work and shop.”

Charlie Kiss, parliamentary candidate for Islington South and Finsbury said: “I am constantly shocked at just how fast some people drive in Islington when we have a 20mph limit and there are numerous danger zones when there are no queues of traffic, for example, down Cally Road. I am very pleased that at last there will be some serious enforcement which will help make the roads so much safer for other users of our Borough’s roads and not just cars. The 20mph limit was a Green Party initiative brought in to save lives and reduce pollution and, although we are pleased that it is now starting to be adopted in other London boroughs and throughout the country, there is still work to be done to ensure it is enforced and drivers keep to the limit for it to be truly effective.”

20mph Zone









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