Islington Green Party Members Given National Spokespeople Roles


Three key members of Islington Green Party have been announced as national spokespeople ahead of the May 2015 General Election.


Caroline Russell – Local Transport

Islington Councillor Caroline Russell will continue as the Green Party spokesperson on Local Transport following her tireless campaigning work to change how communities and local authorities prioritise transport options and initiatives.


Caroline Russell is a walking and cycling campaigner specialising in advocacy on behalf of pedestrians. She has campaigned successfully for 20mph limits on main roads in Islington, and works to promote active travel by reducing road danger and air pollution while creating more people-friendly streets where the public health benefits of walking and cycling can be enjoyed.


Russell is the Green Party’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Islington North in the General Election.


Caroline Allen – Animals

Caroline Allen will continue as the national spokesperson on Animals. As a practising vet Caroline Allen has worked in both mixed and small animal veterinary practice during the last 15 years. She is currently Clinical Director of a small group of practices in North London.


Caroline has extensive knowledge of animal issues and has campaigned on a wide range of subjects; from tackling irresponsible pet ownership to opposing the badger cull, highlighting the cruelty of greyhound racing to protecting wildlife and habitats. She has a special interest in food and farming policy and in particular the severe welfare, environmental and health implications of the intensive animal farming industry.


Benali Hamdache – Equalities

Benali Hamdache is a new addition to the national team of spokespeople and takes the Equalities brief. As Equalities spokesperson he will be addressing all aspects of discrimination, speaking out against racism, homophobia, sexism and ableism. He has worked as a campaigns coordinator for a migrants’ rights charity as well as having helped set up a charity that advocates on behalf of young people with mental health problems.


He is currently the LGBTIQ Greens Co-chair and has campaigned around marriage equality and against the blood ban. He became a party member three years ago because of the Green Party’s social justice policies, its humane common sense stance on immigration and its advocacy of gender equality and LGBTIQ rights.


The Green Party is polling at its highest levels ahead of a General Election since 1989, a breakthrough year and is currently experiencing a huge growth in membership. The Green Party is standing candidates in at least 75% of seats in May 2015. That means 50% more people will be able to vote Green in 2015 than were able to do so five years ago.




Notes for Editors


For more information on all the national spokespeople please visit


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