Islington Greens Secure Best General Election Result Ever

The Green Party secured its best ever set of General Election results in Islington’s two parliamentary constituencies with big increases in vote shares and a strong third place in Islington North.

The full results were: 

Islington North

Islington North General Election Results

Islington South and Finsbury

Islington South and Finsbury Results

Following Islington Green Party’s biggest ever General Election campaign, the results followed the national picture that saw The Green Party gain vote share and move into numerous second and third places across the country.

Speaking at the count, Caroline Russell said: “This is a phenomenal result for Islington Green Party and shows we have cemented our place as a real force in Islington politics and we are here to stay. We secured the largest percentage increase in our vote share of all the parties in Islington North. We are growing all the time with new members and new voters coming to us from all of the traditional parties.”

Charlie Kiss commented: “We have shown that there is an alternative to the ‘old way’ of doing politics and that we are a positive force for change in Islington and around the country. We are building year-on-year and we are looking forward to next year’s London Assembly and Mayoral elections already.”

Islington Green Party at the count



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