Councillor Caroline Russell joins Workfare protest


Councillor Russell, Islington’s sole opposition and Green Party councillor, has joined a protest against Workfare at Finsbury Park Station. As well as supporting the grassroots movement to oppose the injustice of Workfare, Councillor Russell has tabled a question to the Full Council next Thursday regarding Finsbury Park Business Forum’s participation in the Workfare programme.


Under Workfare wardens at Finsbury Park station are forced to work 30 unpaid hours a week for 6 months. This work is a compulsory condition for receiving a Job Seekers Allowance of £72 a week. Wardens that miss one day of work run the risk of losing 1 month of benefit payments, forcing many to work through illness.


Caroline Russell joined a lunchtime protest organised by Boycott Workfare and Haringey Solidarity Group at Finsbury Park Station raising awareness of Finsbury Park Business Forum’s participation in Workfare. She said:


“Islington Council has ensured that Job Centre Plus does not refer Islington residents for the Workfare scheme running at Finsbury Park. Workfare is forced, unpaid labour that relies on exploiting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. I have tabled a question to Islington Full Council next week asking my colleagues to join me in condemning workfare as exploitative and using the Council’s influence to encourage the withdrawal of Finsbury Park Business Forum from the workfare scheme and

to ensure that station wardens are paid the London Living Wage in future.”


Caroline Russell has invited the protesters to join her at the Full Council meeting next Thursday.



Notes to editor:


1. Councillor Russell has tabled this question to the Full Council:

Finsbury Park business forum is running a workfare scheme with A4E in which unemployed people are working 30 hours per week unpaid and risk their benefits being sanctioned if they do not turn up. Will the council join me in condemning this practice as exploitative and will you use your influence as a partner organisation of Finsbury Park Business Forum to bring this practice to an end and ensure that any station wardens are paid the London living wage in future?”


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