Islington Greens March for the Climate, Justice and Jobs

Islington Greens joined hundreds of other Green Party members from across the country as part of the People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs. The message from the Green party bloc and the estimated 50,000 others on the march was clear: that we all demand strong, definitive action on climate change at the Paris COP21 Summit. 

Islington Green party at Westminster

To quote the People’s March organisation itself, we demand “a world with a just economy that works for people and planet, a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world powered by 100% clean energy, with sustainable jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities.”

More than 600,000 people took to the streets across 175 countries around the world to call for a strong deal in Paris that will see a swift transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

The march, which began on Park Lane, weaved its way through the west end, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall and then filed past Parliament. 

Ben Hickey, Islington Green Party Member, said: “There was a fantastic atmosphere on the march but at the same time a serious undertone and clear message. We want our world leaders to be just that; to lead the world towards a sustainable and fair future that uses clean energy and promotes, rather than damages, our health. It was great to be part of a massive Green Party turnout and movement which saw us come together to deliver simple demands for action and not words; for co-operation and not tribalism; and for targets and not intentions.”

London Greens


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