Climate Debate To Be Held In Islington – 7th Dec, 7pm, Tollington Park

London Green Party is holding a public meeting on the topical and crucial issue of climate change next week.

The meeting entitled ‘It’s 5 to Midnight… Can we Afford to Gamble with Our Planet’s Future?’ will be held at St Mellitus Church, Tollington Park, London N4 3AG on the evening of Monday 7th December. Doors open at 7pm and the event will be chaired by campaigner Bruce Kent.

It's 5 to Midnight

The public meeting will be free to enter and will include a keynote speech from the party’s London Mayoral candidate, Sian Berry, as well as speeches and discussion with three North London Green Party London Assembly candidates.

Sian Berry

Starting 30th November to 11th December, world leaders from over 190 countries will be meeting in Paris for the United Nations 21st Conference on Climate Change. The aim is to agree a global, legally-binding treaty. The need for this is urgent. 2015 is almost certain to take the world over a new threshold of 1oC warming above pre-industrial levels, surpassing 2014 as the hottest year ever.

Almost all scientists agree that a failure to arrest this trend in the next five years will have extremely damaging impacts on humans and ecosystems in many parts of the world.


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