Sotheby Mews Day Care

In a stunning act of disregard for the residents of Highbury East, the Labour Council voted 9th February, without warning, to demolish Sotheby Mews Day Centre, depriving 120 pensioners of a vital social and caring centre in their neighbourhood.  There was no consultation, and the pensioners heard the news not from the Council, but from Highbury Roundhouse, which is set to take over these services.

At the recent Highbury East Ward Partnership Meeting, director of the Roundhouse, Andrew Berthier, explained that they would accommodate as many services as they could in their multi-generational community building on Ronald’s Road.  However, it became clear that while Highbury Roundhouse were willing to provide for older people in the new building, it would not be possible to replicate all the services currently provided.

The Labour Councillors did not accept the views of the pensioners that the cut would diminish their quality of life.  This, despite passionate explanations from users of the day centre about the support they receive.  These include a film club, hairdresser, arts and music, hot meals and a lunch club.  Perhaps more important, a mutually supportive community has grown over the years at Sotheby Mews, which many feel would be destroyed if they were forced to move to the Roundhouse.  

The proposed demolition follows last year’s cutting of dementia transport services to St. Luke’s Centre in Clerkenwell.  Across the UK, funding for social care fell by £4.6 billion 2010-16, while AgeUK reports that 200,000 older people haven’t had a conversation with friends or family for over a month, and 3.9 million feel that television is their main form of company.

Islington Green Party will be campaigning to give a voice to the pensioners at Sotheby Mews Day Centre.  Please get involved, by contacting your local councillor to make your views known , or join our work here and follow our news as the campaign develops. @IslingtonGreenParty  #SaveSotheby

Users of the centre protest against closure.


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