Highgate Jobcentre Plus

Highgate Jobcentre Plus is due to shut its doors following cuts across the country that threaten 1 in 10 Jobcentres nationally.   This comes at a time when insecure and exploitative zero-hour contracts are at an all-time high, housing costs are continuing to rise and charities are warning of ongoing pressures on disabled people struggling to get into work.

The Green Party’s Cllr Caroline Russell said:  “It’s really worrying that the Highgate Jobcentre in Archway is closing.  Those Islington residents relying on the Jobcentre to help them into employment will feel this hardest.

I understand the government are imposing this closure without consulting with disability claimants, staff or users.  Making people travel further, especially those with caring responsibilities or a disability, will make it harder for Islington residents to get into or back into employment. 

Can the government guarantee cutting capacity won’t mean less support? If there is less support to get people back into work, this is a false economy.”

Jobcentre Plus are a vital tool for encouraging employment, and helping the most vulnerable into work.  As front-line jobs are cut, so are specialist skills, and the use of sanctions against jobseekers forced to travel further adds yet another burden to people looking for work.

Councillor Caroline Russell in the Council Chamber

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