Green Party Pledge to Young People

Young people are the future, and our future needs protecting.

It’s never been harder to be a young person in the UK – struggling with student debt, unreliable job prospects and unaffordable housing. Under a government that is failing them, young people need a voice.

The Green Party will be that voice.

The Green Party is an exciting, progressive party based on sustainable and inclusive ideas, committed to ensuring the radical transformation of society to ensure justice as well as economic, social and environmental wellbeing for all. We care about the future – your future.

We know that young people can:

  • Be healthy and happy –  the Green Party will oppose cuts and closures of health services,  and demand a full programme of accessible healthcare. The Green Party wants to get rid of hefty prescription charges, and create a focus on providing high quality and accessible mental health services and support.
  • Have a home – the Green Party wants to invest in social and affordable housing for everyone, and ensure that new housing is developed across the country for single people, families and couples, making it cheaper to rent and own a home and reducing the pressure on housing in London and the South East.
  • Live in a fairer country – the Green Party cares about social justice and fighting inequality sustainably. The Green Party wants a basic income for everyone, tuition fees to be scrapped and maintenance grants restored,and to create an economy which is targeted at meeting the needs of all, not the greed of a few.
  • Be global citizens – the Green Party wants a safe world where people of different cultures and backgrounds can work together for the future. We will protect the rights of EU students to study here, and British students to study abroad.  The Green Party is committed to nuclear disarmament, sustainable trade, and working to protect human rights and freedom from discrimination of any kind.
  • Inherit the world – the Green Party wants to take care of the environment for future generations. All our policies are built on sustainability, respect for the environment and the natural world, and acting for the benefit of our planet in everything we do.

Vote Green and vote for change.

Campaigning in Islington

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