Who’s getting richer?

The gap between rich and poor is increasing, while inflation means that peoples’ wages today are lower than ten years ago.

Unemployment has fallen since 2008, but 5.4 million people still earn less than the minimum living wage and 28.5% of people in a temporary job are still trying to get a full-time one – the same proportion as nine years ago. 

Benali Hamdache, Green candidate for Islington South & Finsbury, explains the need for change:

“Too many workers are struggling to get by on zero hours contracts, part time work and insecure temporary contracts. The Conservatives have excelled at making an economy that works for the wealthiest and fails too many. Leaving the EU threatens to make our situation worse, endangering jobs and our economy.”

“We have an alternative. Worker action such as by the drivers of Uber and the workers at Deliveroo prove that the big companies can’t deny their employees basic rights, including minimum wage and sick pay.  The Greens defend EU labour laws and the rights of everyone to fair employment.

As climate change begins to affect our lives more and more, we can create thousands of new skilled green jobs. Switching to renewable energy and investing in green technology is the only way forward.

On a local level Greens have led the way. Green councillors have helped create apprenticeships at Brightsparks, providing young people with jobs and skills. We’ve secured more funding for insulating council homes, bringing down bills and providing more jobs.

Only the Greens have the vision for an economy that works for people and planet.”

Want to learn more about how jobs and climate change are linked?  Read more here.

And from Fullfact.org – ‘Who’s getting richer?”:

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