Benali Hamdache – Crowdfunding in Islington South

We are raising funds for the Green Party campaign in Islington South and Finsbury, to help our candidate, Benali Hamdache spread our message of equality, environmentalism and a voice for Europe. Britain needs strong voices to fight hard Brexit,  reform our unfair taxation system and tackle the climate crisis that threatens our way of life. 

With the Tories steamrolling towards a hard Brexit, Labour in disarray and the Lib Dems still reeling from their 2015 post-coalition wipe-out, now is the time for an alternative. The Green Party is that alternative – to austerity, to privatisation, to worsening inequality and people struggling to get by; and for healthier living, to a world we look after. It’s time to send a message to the old parties, that a different direction is called for.

Islington voted by 75% for Remain, the Greens are the only Islington Party in any position to challenge Labour. Greens are the only opposition represented on Islington council.  As Labour continues to stumble and let down the Remain cause it claimed to champion, the Green Party can provide a voice for the people left behind.

Benali Hamdache worked in the NHS before joining a prominent mental health charity.  He also worked on the Remain campaign, and has been the party’s Equalities spokesperson.

All donations will go towards the campaign fund to elect Benali Hamdache, to help fund our freepost leaflet. We’ll fight for what the citizens of Islington South and Finsbury want in Westminster.

Benali Hamdache


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