Inequality and the General Election

Britain is one of the least equal societies in Europe.  Decades of neo-liberal policies under the Tories and then under New Labour have left a large gap between the wealthy and the rest of the community.

The Tories believe they can close this gap through the re-introduction of Grammar Schools.  There is no evidence to support the belief that this will have a significant effect on social mobility.  The Labour Party believes that stronger trade unions will help close the gap.  Both these parties are advocating policies that pander to the interests of their own supporters.

The Green Party is looking for real solutions to address the dangerous level of inequality in modern Britain:

  • We support higher taxes for the rich and the closure of tax loop-holes
  • We advocate a basic wage for all and controls over excessive pay for executives
  • We believe in increasing investment in all our schools to provide a level playing field for everyone

Inequality in the UK is exacerbated by the lack of affordable housing in areas of economic expansion.  We believe that Britain’s housing policy is in urgent need of restructuring to focus on housing for middle and low income families and away from providing investment opportunities for wealthy foreign capital looking for a tax shelter.

Unemployment statistics show that opportunities for ordinary British workers are reduced among members of immigrant populations.  Here in Islington, our candidates have supported a policy of anonymous CVs to encourage the hiring of members of minority ethnic communities. And Caroline has been working with Uber Drivers across London to campaign for workers’ rights to be a condition of TfL granting Uber a new license.

 – Paul Elliot

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