Say NO to new Heathrow runway

Heathrow Airport is consulting on expansion plans that will result in increased carbon emissions, more traffic, more air pollution and busier, noisier flight paths all over London. Caroline Russell argues that: “People living under these new flight paths will hear noisy planes overhead from the early hours of the morning to last thing at night. This can have a huge impact on their wellbeing. Any airport expansion would be utterly irresponsible. It would mean more traffic, carbon emissions, noise and pollution.”

The London Green party has a clear policy in opposition to a new runway at Heathrow, believing that the development will lead to more noise, pollution, and disruption for London communities. There is currently an ongoing consultation available at, the London Green Party would like to encourage all members and supporters to respond to the consultation before its closure on September 13th to ensure that your views are represented.

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