Politics Is In Chaos – Green Leaders Needed Now More Than Ever

With Westminster in meltdown, London has been the focal point as thousands marched against the Conservative government‛s undemocratic decision to suspend Parliament. Green Party  candidate for London Mayor, Siân Berry spoke out about the crisis: “It‛s an outrage that Boris
Johnson was willing to shut down Parliament to try and force through a crashout Brexit. It‛s  shameful that the old parties allowed the crisis to reach this point.”

“We will not stand for liars and rule breakers trying to shut down democracy – right now London, and the country, is crying out for stronger, principled leadership.”

“In Parliament, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has been a beacon of hope, forcefully challenging every reckless decision Boris Johnson and Theresa May have made. Just imagine how different
things would be if Caroline Lucas was in charge!”

“Greens have always embraced an  outward-looking, diverse Britain. Greens have always demanded urgent action to stop climate breakdown. And only the Greens stood firm against  vicious austerity cuts, from the very beginning.”

“Brexit has highlighted just how rotten our political system is, but it runs so much deeper than the current crisis. Fixing the problems that led us to this point means investing in our young people and building up our communities again. Investing in the new economy that will help stop climate chaos. While Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems have got us into this mess it‛s Green ideas that will get us out of it.”

“And not just in Parliament. Greens on the London Assembly have a track record of standing up
for what‛s right, keeping Mayors honest and making changes happen that matter in people‛s  everyday lives.”

“This is a wake-up call. Politics needs new leadership, and Greens have shown time and again
that we can be trusted to get the big decisions right. It‛s time to elect more Greens, here in London and across the country.”

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