Heathrow Runway Victory

In a landmark ruling, the Court of Appeals rejected the government’s attempt to build a destructive, polluting third runway at Heathrow – on the basis that it did not take into account the UK’s own climate pledges and the Paris climate accord.  This is the first time that the government has been held to account by the binding nature of the Paris agreement, and the legal obligation to combat the spiraling climate crisis.

However, even though the Mayor of London was part of the coalition of environmental campaigners, local groups and charities who brought the case against Heathrow, Sadiq Khan is looking to build at City and Gatwick instead. 

Siân Berry, Green candidate for Mayor of London, said: “Even though he poses as a hero over blocking expansion of Heathrow, Sadiq Khan is hoping to expand airports at City and Gatwick instead.  This is not okay – he isn’t prepared to make the decisions London needs.  As the Green Party Mayor of London I would break business-as-usual and focus on capping the high number of flights taken by a small minority of people, through a Frequent Flyer Levy.”

A whopping 70% of flights are taken by only 15% of people.  With the vast majority flying less than once a year, ordinary people are left picking up the tab for the climate chaos these many flights help cause. The new tax wouldn’t affect people taking an annual holiday but would kick in for those taking multiple flights abroad, with the cost rising as more flights are taken.

Only Siân Berry, as Green Mayor of London, would do what has to be done to stop runaway climate chaos, pledging to block all airport expansion in London to deal with the Climate Emergency.

Siân continued: “The big parties support expansion of London’s airports – they wrap themselves in green policies but won’t do what absolutely has to be done.”

The court’s ruling on Heathrow highlighted the simple reality that any and all airport expansions are a danger to the climate, and in direct contradiction of the Paris accord, the government’s own pledges and the Climate Emergency declared by the London Assembly.

Siân said: “London needs a Green Mayor, who can see the scale of the problems we face and will take the bold action needed to sort them out.”

Help stop expansion at Gatwick and City airports too by signing Siân’s petition.

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