18th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
In September the Community Plan 4 Holloway organised a well attended ‘Placard Parade’ outside Holloway Prison. Members from the local community joined the organisers and other local groups to show through messages on placards their expectations for the site. The area of the former prison is larger than Tufnell Park Playing Fields, and this huge […]
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15th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
Latest figures show that Islington recycled or composted only 29.6% of its household waste in 2019-20 – fractionally up on the year before but still well below an original target of 37% by 2020. Central government cuts to local authorities since 2010 have seriously harmed the ability of local councils to function, with Islington having […]
12th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
Temporary wider pavements are helping safe distancing at shops, bus stops, etc, but Green Councillor Caroline Russell is working with Canonbury School to help make their one permanent. Even before the 2020 pandemic made social distancing essential to protect our families and loved ones, the school streets project was designed to improve air quality and […]
9th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
In December last year, local residents jumped into action when Ocado planned to build a diesel depot next to a primary school. The site threatened to worsen the health of many local kids with no regards to already illegal levels of air pollution across London. The Nocado campaign presented a hundred pages of evidence to […]
8th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
Over the summer Green Councillor for Highbury East Caroline Russell has been pressing the council to re-open key services safely, and we’re delighted that important facilities like libraries are back again, adjusted to meet the demands of coronavirus. Previously Caroline had asked, successfully, for food markets and cemeteries to be re-opened, and, after more pressure […]
6th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
Congratulations and thanks to Marcus Rashford for so brilliantly – and importantly – raising the country’s awareness about food poverty; to Islington Council for stepping in to provide free school meals over half-term when the government failed so pitifully to respond to the need; and to the wonderful local businesses and community groups here who […]
4th November 2020 by Islington Green Party
During the coronavirus pandemic our need to stay safely apart means a lot less space on buses and tubes. But if just a fraction of people who usually use public transport got in a car instead, London would become gridlocked and hugely more polluted. That’s why we need action to make it easier to walk […]