Over 40% Vote Green in Tufnell Park

Thank you to everyone in Tufnell Park who voted for Rod, Jon and Devon in the local elections on May 5th.  Over 40% of all votes were for a Green Party candidate in Tufnell Park and we were only 125 votes away from winning a councillor. The Green Party recorded the best ever results in Islington’s local election, tripling our councillors in Highbury, and continuing to serve as the official opposition on Islington Council.

Candidate Rod Gonggrijp said: “So many people have come out to congratulate us.  Lots of residents felt that Islington Council needed a change, and that we could bring it.  We will continue to push for the council to keep its promises on the Climate Emergency and to achieve net zero by 2030.”

Candidate Devon Osborne said: “We won’t let how close we came defeat us. There are so many things we want to achieve in the ward and we’ll continue to push for them. Too many residents are living in cold, damp and mouldy homes, the council needs to deliver on repairs and maintenance.”

Even though 40% does not mean we won a council seat, candidate Jon Nott added:  “We’ll be working closely with the Green Councillors in Highbury so that all residents can benefit from the Council being held accountable.”

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