Letters to the Papers: New Highbury Fields café progressing with input from the community

As councillors for Highbury ward, we’re delighted that the new design we’ve been pushing for, for the new café and facilities on the Fields, has been broadly well received by your readers (‘Look again at the new café design detail’ and others). We truly believe it will be a gamechanger for the Fields and will serve the community for generations to come.

We’re particularly pleased that, as well as the attractive new ‘Parthenon’ café and park management building, the new toilets will include fully accessible “Changing Places” provision, to ensure the Fields can be enjoyed by the widest possible range of users. Our thanks go to the council’s Community Wealth Building and Greenspace teams for making this all happen.

A number of detailed points have been raised on your letters page, though, and hopefully these were also fed into the consultation process, which closed this week, so they can be considered by the council and planning committee next month.

After years of waiting, the funds have been allocated, there’s light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re looking forward to seeing this exciting development start on site as soon as possible.

Cllrs Caroline Russell and Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong, Green Party, Highbury ward

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