3rd February 2018 by Islington Green Party
We have watched the failure of Carillion, the plundering of pension funds to pay fat cat bonuses and the tightening squeeze on living standards for the lower paid. Conservative supporters celebrated the sale of Council houses to sitting tenants (and many now let them privately as the buyers take their profit): we all now wonder […]
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2nd February 2018 by Islington Green Party
Council Tax is an expense the borough’s lowest income households simply can’t afford. Islington does discount some of its tax rates but still too many of our poorest families are falling into arrears. Issuing court summons to people with no money is intimidating, an ineffective way of raising revenue and a waste of council resources. […]
11th December 2017 by Islington Green Party
Live updates on the closure from TfL can be read on their website This a guest post from Green Party Cllr Caroline Russell TfL are removing the 150-year-old bridge on Holloway Road that crosses the train line underneath. It’s a complicated piece of engineering that TfL will be working round the clock on. The work […]
21st October 2017 by Islington Green Party
It is testament to the hard work of local campaigners that Islington Council’s plans for Barnard Park have been scuppered. Questions must be asked as to why the council was so eager to downsize the community pitch. At full council Cllr Claudia Webbe claimed the council plans for Barnard Park did not result in a […]
12th October 2017 by Islington Green Party
A letter from our Green Party Cllr Caroline Russell Cllr Janet Burgess declared in the Gazette in May 2014 that “There are no plans at all to close the Sotheby Mews Day Centre.” Sotheby Mews was apparently safe. The council decision in February this year, to move services to Highbury Roundhouse’s new building means that service users at Sotheby Mewshave real concerns about losing their dedicated space for […]
12th September 2017 by Islington Green Party
Campaigners are celebrating after the Government called for a review of Islington council plans to downsize Barnard Park’s community pitch. Local campaigners have been fighting council plans to remove the community pitch in Barnard Park. Islington Labour had put forward a plan to replace the pitch with a smaller space. Islington Greens have been supporting […]
10th September 2017 by Islington Green Party
Islington Council has ignored campaigners and pushed ahead with controversial new plans for the Sobell Centre leaving 5 a side footballers, badminton players and others without a home. Over 1,500 people signed a petition against the plans but the council have pushed ahead with building work. The hall was renovated as recently as 2012. £250,000 had […]
16th August 2017 by Islington Green Party
This is a guest post written by Green Campaigner Jonathan Wright. It originally featured as a letter in the Islington Tribune I was pleased to see that TfL is looking at plans to reopen the old Highbury station at the southern end of Holloway Road as part of an expansion of the existing Highbury […]
13th August 2017 by Islington Green Party
London’s housing market is grinding to a halt as only 87 homes were sold in Islington May of this year. Figures from Bloomberg and the Land Registry shows this is down from 139 in 2016 and 259 in 2015. However, Islington house prices remain as unaffordable as before, having declined by less than 1% […]
6th August 2017 by Islington Green Party
This a guest post by Green campaigner Andrew Myer Once again Islington council is acting like a one-party Labour state, unwilling or unable to consult, listen or explain. The Sobell Centre is a tremendous local facility and the magnificent sports hall at its heart, with its Olympic legacy sprung floor, is the envy of […]