9th April 2015 by Islington Green Party
Today, Islington Green Party welcomed and accompanied Independent Living Fund (ILF) campaigner Mary Lever as she passed through Islington on her way to deliver a birthday message to Iain Duncan Smith, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Mary, who is 67 and severely disabled, was driving her NHS power chair from the House […]
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27th March 2015 by Islington Green Party
Green Councillor Caroline Russell proposed a motion to Islington Council last night to take in a number of Syrian refugees using the government’s Vulnerable Persons Relocation scheme as proposed by Citizens UK in December. Islington Labour squashed the motion with an amendment that deleted the action to take in a mere 50 refugees and instead […]
3rd March 2015 by Islington Green Party
Last week, on behalf of short changed council tenants, sole Green Councillor Caroline Russell asked at the meeting of the Full Council why Islington Labour were overcharging council tenants for their energy bills.1 Outrage has been building over the council’s energy bills system, which results in council tenants paying hundreds more pounds than leaseholders and […]
1st March 2015 by Islington Green Party
Islington Council this week made a budget commitment(1) to give fourteen Greenspace(2) agency staff full time contracts following months of campaigning by Islington Green Party. Opposition councillor Caroline Russell and local Greens are celebrating this change of heart from the Labour-run council which will see workers receive job security and full employee rights. This […]
27th February 2015 by Islington Green Party
At last night’s Full Council and budget meeting, the ruling Labour Party voted unanimously to have the tax payer continue to fund three Labour political officers, speech writers and spin doctors and allow eight frontline jobs to be axed. The meeting, which focused specifically on the 2015/16 Council Budget, saw Islington Green Party’s Cllr Caroline […]
21st January 2015 by Islington Green Party
Islington Council has taken a major step towards reducing diesel emissions in the borough by agreeing a parking surcharge for owners of diesel vehicles. Sole opposition, Green Party Councillor Caroline Russell said: “Islington Greens along with many community groups in Islington have been calling and campaigning for action on health-damaging air pollution from diesel vehicles […]
20th January 2015 by Islington Green Party
Three key members of Islington Green Party have been announced as national spokespeople ahead of the May 2015 General Election. Caroline Russell – Local Transport Islington Councillor Caroline Russell will continue as the Green Party spokesperson on Local Transport following her tireless campaigning work to change how communities and local authorities prioritise transport […]
13th December 2014 by Islington Green Party
Charlie Kiss, who has been selected by his local Green Party to stand in the Islington South and Finsbury constituency for the general election in May next year, appears, so far, to be the only out trans man standing in the upcoming General Election. He will stand against the Labour Party incumbent, Emily Thornberry. Charlie, now […]
12th December 2014 by Islington Green Party
At last week’s meeting of Islington Council, a motion put forward by the sole opposition member1, Councillor Caroline Russell of the Green Party, on extending London’s future Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) to include Islington, was amended and over-ridden by the dominant Labour Council. To tackle poor air quality, the Mayor of London […]
Islington Labour Councillor Suggests Cannabis Smokers Don’t Deserve Council Homes At a meeting of Islington Council1,2 last Thursday, Labour Councillor Gary Poole appeared to suggest that cannabis smokers do not deserve council homes. Cllr Poole, a prison governor and councillor for St Mary’s Ward, stated that “it must be a scandal that we have […]