11th February 2014 by Islington Green Party
Caroline Allen, Islington-based Green Party candidate for the European elections in May, wrote a column last week for leading LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) news website PinkNews.co.uk, on how the government has failed those fleeing homophobic and transphobic persecution. In the piece, she writes how it is “testament to our city that London […]
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10th February 2014 by Islington Green Party
After sustained pressure from campaigners and overwhelming evidence of dire health effects from air pollution, London’s Mayor has finally seen the light and is proposing introduction of an Ultra-Low Emission Zone for the existing congestion zone in 2020. This would already include parts of Islington, and our proposal is simply asking Boris to extend the […]
Teachers are on strike this week at the STEM 6 Academy, a newly opened free school on City Road, for students aged 16 -18 wanting to specialise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Teachers were individually coerced into signing harsh contracts before Christmas and now wish to obtain union recognition in order to re-negotiate these […]
7th February 2014 by Islington Green Party
London Mayor Boris Johnson is abandoning his pre-election pledge and will be closing every Tube ticket office by 2015, as well as cutting 953 station jobs, removing supervisors from many stations, and cutting frontline staff while creating more managers. Islington Green Party council candidate Charlie Kiss asked: “When did Londoners get the opportunity to give […]
6th February 2014 by Islington Green Party
A letter to Mayor Johnson asking for Islington to be included in the Mayor’s proposed Ultra Low Emission Zone to clean up our air by 2020 was handed to the Environment Committee of the London Assembly ahead of their meeting this morning. The committee is due to discuss the Mayor’s proposed Ultra Low Emission […]
27th January 2014 by Islington Green Party
Islington Council’s Executive meeting on 14 January decided unanimously that Safer Neighbourhood Police meetings should be amalgamated with Ward Partnership meetings. The latter were established on the abolition of Area Committees after the 2010 election by the then new Labour Council. This raises two questions: How will this arrangement work in wards such as Highbury East […]
17th January 2014 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party has condemned the Post Office’s plans for the massive development of the Mount Pleasant site, which straddles the Islington and Camden council boundaries. Local activist Michael Coffey has called on Islington Council and the Mayor’s office to reject the proposals, which would see a forest of skyscrapers in a gated, private, fortress […]
9th January 2014 by Islington Green Party
The leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, today said it was “a day to mourn” as she joined local people to mark the last day of Clerkenwell fire station, one of ten closed down today by London Mayor Boris Johnson. Natalie said: “As we stand here today outside Europe’s oldest first station, we see […]
12th December 2013 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party can sympathise with Councillor Watts’ frustration at the Minister of Justice’s complacent response to his criticism of Atos, but it is hard to forget that it was the Labour government in 1998 that gave Atos a seven year contract to harass disabled persons of working age, and renewed the contract for a […]
22nd November 2013 by Islington Green Party
It is clear from the letters sent to last week’s Islington Tribune that local people in Islington are not only very concerned to hear that deaths due to air pollution are increasing, but can see for themselves that the Council is fundamentally wrong in saying nothing more can be done in the Borough. Caroline Allen, […]