10th February 2013 by Islington Green Party
Islington Greens are delighted to welcome Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett to talk on Education at the Ecology Centre, Gillespie Park in Highbury on Monday 11th February. Natalie’s talk is titled “Not making the grade: the decades of failure of British schools policy” and covers the grave risks of academies and free schools, the ludicrousness […]
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22nd January 2013 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party has selected their candidate to contest the forth-coming Junction ward by-election. Long-time Islington resident, Mick Holloway has lived off Crouch Hill, N19, since 1977 and is a Licenced Lay Minister of St. Mary’s Church, Ashley Road. A qualified Civil Engineer and having looked after his two daughters as a father at home, his career has […]
This Monday, Green, Labour and Lib Dem members of the London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) came together to vote down proposals to close a number of London fire stations. The plans had proposed the closure of 12 fire stations and redundancy for 400 fire fighters and 100 civilian staff. This was to include […]
Islington Green Party welcomes the decision of the European Court of Human Rights which upheld the ruling of the UK Supreme Court that Lillian Ladele, a former Islington Town Hall registrar who refused to officiate at same-sex civil partnership ceremonies, was rightfully deemed not to have been discriminated against by Islington Council. Ozoda Muminova said “It is unacceptable for […]
21st January 2013 by Islington Green Party
Caroline Allen, Green Party Animal Welfare Spokesperson, says that given the multiple crises affecting our food supply chains it is not surprising that cheap filler ingredients make their way onto supermarket shelves. “The relentless rise of food prices- including feed price for animals -means that processors will have to be increasingly inventive to continue to […]
28th November 2012 by Islington Green Party
Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson joined Islington Greens on Friday calling for Mayor of London and Islington resident, Boris Johnson to help make Islington a truly 20mph borough. Darren Johnson said “Islington have taken a very welcome step in introducing a borough-wide 20mph limit but that only affects the roads the council controls directly, not […]
20th November 2012 by Islington Green Party
On Thursday night almost exactly sixty years on from the Great Smog of 1952, Islington Council heard that the borough’s air quality is no better now than it was then. In the middle of another smog episode, Islington Greens were there to hear the highly respected Simon Birkett of the Clean Air London campaign give […]
Dance the night away with Green Kite Midnight and Islington Greens at our fund-raising ceilidh on Saturday 8th December from 7.30 – 10.45. We’re raising money for the Euro and Local Council election campaigns in 2014. To kick off the fundraising drive, we’ve organised a Ceilidh with Climate Camp band Green Kite Midnight – you […]
16th November 2012 by Islington Green Party
Labour councillors on the Council’s centralised planning committee appear to have an incomplete understanding of the benefit to the community provided by Islington’s Union Chapel (“Chapel … ‘not Downton Abbey‘”, Tribune, 16 Nov 12). Highbury campaigner, Emma Dixon said “The Chapel is a magnificent building. It is also a place of worship and an award-winning […]
19th October 2012 by Islington Green Party
Following last November’s decision by the Islington Council Executive to roll out 20mph limits on all borough controlled MAIN roads, the Council Executive last night decided to go ahead with implementation following a statutory consultation despite objections from the police. Caroline Allen said “Green Councillor Katie Dawson’s motion to bring 20 mph limits across Islington […]