Your donations can help transform Islington

Here in Islington we have a huge opportunity to get more Greens elected!

The local elections are only a year away – and we’re on course to elect more councillors than ever.

With your support deliver real change at Islington Town Hall. Winning action on the climate emergency and the housing crisis.

We’re asking you to invest in achieving success in this campaign. With your support we can deliver our best ever result next May.

DOnate online

Donate by Standing Order

You can set up a regular payment via your bank with the details below. This means we get 100% of your donation!

Islington Green Party Main Account

Sort code 08-92-99

Acc no 65238163

Please email us if you make a donation online, so we know who to thank.

Donate by Cheque

You can set up a regular payment via your bank with the details below. This means we get 100% of your donation!

Islington Green Party Main Account

Sort code 08-92-99

Acc no 65238163

Please email us if you make a donation online, so we know who to thank.

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