Islington Green Party comment on CSR

Today, the Coalition Government has announced the most dramatic reduction in public spending in almost a century.  Across the country, this will lead to sever cuts in a whole range of public services, with a knock on effect on both businesses and ordinary people.

In Islington, we already suffer from high levels of inequality and pockets of deep and enduring poverty.  The cuts will only make this worse, despite the efforts of the newly formed Fairness Commisssion.

This cuts are not necessary.  They are ideologically driven, and reflect a lack of imagination on the part of the major parties in trying to fundamentally rebalance our economy to make it more equitable and sustainable. 

Caroline Lucas MP, Leader of the Green Party, presents the alternative in her report Cuts:the callous con trick.  This shows that investment in a sustainable economy through a Green New Deal, and reform of the tax system to ensure that those most responsible for the crisis, and those most able to pay, shoulder the greatest burden, could pave the way for a fairer and more prosperous society.

Residents of Islington concerned about the impact of the cuts are going to have, and who want to promote alternatives, should get involved with one of the many groups who are coming together to fight the Government’s proposals.  

We believe there is another way and we need our voices to be heard.

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