Greens announce candidate for by-election

Caroline Allen to represent the Green Party in the St Peter’s ward by-election 

The Green Party have announced that their candidate in the St Peter’s ward by-election on 11th August will be local vet Caroline Allen.

Caroline, who works as a veterinary surgeon at the Canonbury Veterinary Practice on Essex Road, joined the Green Party in 2005. Since joining she has campaigned actively within Islington on a range of issues including protecting local businesses, saving green spaces and sports facilities, and holding large corporations to account. She has also campaigned more widely on food and farming, including more responsible labeling of food.

As a vet, she is particularly passionate about animal issues, and has helped the Green Party to develop policy on animal welfare.

Caroline chose to stand in the election for the opportunity to voice green issues on behalf of local people.

Caroline said: “I love living and working in Islington, and feel a real sense of belonging here. As a Green councillor, I would be prioritising green issues of social and environmental sustainability in order to create a strong and vibrant community with a commitment to fairness.

“I believe that Greens offer a genuine alternative to traditional ways of doing politics, and would be proud to stand up for local residents on important issues.”

Islington elected its first Green councillor in 2006 – Katie Dawson, who represented Highbury West from 2006-2010.

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