Is there an Air Quality Emergency in Islington? Get the facts.

Islington Green Party & Mapping for Change invite you to a public meeting


On Monday 28th November from 7.00 pm – 8.15 pm


At Highbury Grove School, 8 Highbury Grove, N5 2EQ Map

Tube, Highbury & Islington or Buses 4, 19 and 236


And afterwards informally up the road at the Highbury Barn Pub, N5 2AB



Jenny Jones – London Mayoral candidate

Simon Birkett – Clean Air London

Louise Francis – Mapping for Change

Caroline Russell – Islington Green Party

Chair: Caroline Allen – Islington Green Party


The results are in from our joint project measuring air pollution in Highbury – come along to hear the results and to join the search for solutions.

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