31st March 2014 by Islington Green Party
Ofgem’s decision to investigate the Big Six energy companies for not being competitive enough is hardly a great surprise but more surprising would be the idea that anyone outside government, Ofgem and the energy industry itself thinks more competition would be good for consumers. All the energy companies do is buy energy from the same […]
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25th March 2014 by Islington Green Party
Islington Greens are encouraging EU and Commonwealth citizens to register to vote. London is home to many thousands of EU and Commonwealth citizens, who are eligible to vote in the local and European Elections in May but in many cases don’t know it. Islington alone boasts 15,000 EU citizens [1] but the turnout rate among […]
18th March 2014 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party council candidate Caroline Russell this week said it is unacceptable that the council continues to pay some staff as limited companies – allowing them to dodge income tax. At a Policy and Performance Scrutiny council meeting this month, it emerged that some staff working in areas such as IT and […]
7th March 2014 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party stands right behind the campaign from local residents and shopkeepers to stop a supermarket taking over the former police station on Blackstock Road. Make no mistake – research shows that supermarkets do not bring jobs into an area. On the contrary, they destroy them, automated service areas being just one reason. […]