Greens condemn coalition attack on disabled people

Disability Action in Islington will tomorrow (Friday) hold a hustings to hear from candidates for next month’s council elections in Islington on how they will stand up for rights and services for disabled people in the Borough.

The hustings will be held at Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, starting at 2pm. You can watch online by clicking here.

The Green Party will be represented by Caroline Russell, our candidate for Highbury East ward and also the Green Party’s national spokesperson on local transport.

The introduction of ATOS, the phasing out of the Disability Living Allowance and the Independent Living Fund, and stealth privatisation of the NHS, are assaults on the lives of the disabled and their carers. The Green Party believes everyone should be entitled to an unconditional basic standard of living and the right to equal treatment and equal access to services.

The Green Party believes in:

–          retaining public services in public hands, run for the common good
–          ensuring a decent standard of living for all
–          creating safer, healthier, and greener transport options, accessible to all

Caroline said: “This country is witnessing an unprecedented attack on disabled people. The introduction of ATOS, the phasing out of the Disability Living Allowance and stealth privatisation of the NHS are simply assaults on the lives of the disabled and their carers. Government can and must do more to make the lives of disabled people easier. The Green Party believes everyone should be entitled to an unconditional basic standard of living through the Citizen’s Income and that everyone should expect the right to equal treatment and equal access to services.

“Moreover, safe and convenient access to buildings, shops and services is crucial for anyone with mobility impairments.  As a campaigner for better streets, I know what a difference a dropped kerb, a user-friendly crossing and an even pavement can make.  These may seem like small things but they can make all the difference to the experience of daily life.  If elected I’ll be working to ensure that Islington residents have streets that make life easier.”

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