Islington Greens Welcome Independent Living Fund Campaigner to Islington

Today, Islington Green Party welcomed and accompanied Independent Living Fund (ILF) campaigner Mary Lever as she passed through Islington on her way to deliver a birthday message to Iain Duncan Smith, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Mary, who is 67 and severely disabled, was driving her NHS power chair from the House of Commons to Iain Duncan Smith’s party office in Chingford, a mere 14 miles away, to deliver his birthday card in person to make him aware of the impact the removal of the ILF will have on her life.

Cllr Russell, Mary Lever and her team

The Independent Living Fund allows 18,000 people to receive extra social care above what the local authority provides and is set to cease from 30th June this year under changes set out by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Mary was also joined by Islington campaigner Sophie Partridge.

Sophie Partridge, Cllr Caroline Russell and Mary Lever at King's Cross Station

Mary said: “Iain Duncan Smith is about to make his mark on my life. He is going to imprison me in my own home for the rest of my life without a parole or right to appeal. My crime? The crime that I have committed is becoming a disabled person. Not only am I disabled, but I am severely disabled with a mandatory life sentence.

“26 years ago I was only receiving two hours of care per day, even though I was bed dependent – I hate the term bed bound as I am not tied to my bed. I was told by my social worker that there was money to enable disabled people, like myself, to receive extra social care above what the local authority was providing. It was called ‘The Independent Living Fund’ (ILF).

I want to deliver a birthday card personally to the man who is going to be responsible for imprisoning me in my home.”

Caroline Russell, Islington Councillor and Green Party candidate for Islington North who accompanied Mary through Islington said: “The current coalition Government has done some terrible things in the name of austerity but removing the Independent Living Fund must be one of their most vicious policies. The ILF provides resource to some of the most disabled people ensuring independence for those people who most need it and who most benefit from it. It costs a mere £320m per year and is surely money well-spent as it allows disabled people to live and work in their communities.

“I was glad to join Mary as she passed through Islington to highlight this important issue. Now that the ILF money will be passed onto local authorities, I would ask that Islington Council ring-fence that money beyond the first year that they have agreed to in order to ensure it goes directly to the people who need this vital benefit.

“The fact that Mary has had to carry out this demonstration shows how important this benefit is and how it is crucial that the various cuts in benefits that are taking place remain at the forefront of this general election campaign.”

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