Zoe Alzamora for Mildmay

On May 6th the residents of Mildmay will have the chance to vote in a by-election triggered by the resignation of a Labour Councillor, and we are delighted that local resident and campaigner Zoe Alzamora is standing as a Green candidate.

Zoe recently worked with her community to protect green space at Park View estate, and is passionate about bringing grassroots representation to the Council to challenge Labour’s one-party domination that makes it so easy for Labour to ignore the views of locals.

She says: “As I write, there are officials on the playground of Park View estate, measuring it for when it will be shortly destroyed and dug up for the foundations of new buildings.

I am in favour of Islington Council building new homes but it should not come at a cost of quality of life to the children already living on estates,

As always Islington Council has gone for the lowest hanging fruits, green space and play space for children instead of looking creatively at under-used office buildings etc.

We have a Super Majority Council – almost 50 Labour councillors to one Green Councillor, Caroline Russell, the one Councillor who has always listened to residents on Park View estate.

It is vital that in the upcoming By-Election that we all vote to bring in more democracy and more accountability, rather than the Council constantly rubber-stamping its own plans.

As residents we had to put our own money forward to fund an independent Arborist’s report to try to save our Mulberry Tree. It had been promised in the planning documents that the Council recognised its value to the community, that the Council had engaged in consultation, and that the Mulberry tree would be saved.

And then last November Islington Council put forward new plans to fell it without proper consultation, via an indecipherable Section 73 letter. And then followed excuses that the tree was diseased and threats nailed to the tree that it would be felled in weeks. Residents have united to fight this hard, with letters and a petition with over 1,500 signatures. We have decorated our tree with bright colours and love. Our independent report proves the tree is not diseased.

Everything about Islington Council needs more scrutiny. From the culture of bullying, to how it engages with the press. And the best way we can do this is get more equity within the Council Chambers.”

The Mildmay by-election is happening at the same time as the London Assembly Elections on May 6th.

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