Islington Council Signs up to Equal Pavements Pledge

Islington Council signs up to Transport for All’s EQUAL PAVEMENTS Pledge


At Full Council last Thursday, Islington passed a motion backing Transport for All’s call for councils and transport authorities to sign an Equal Pavements Pledge. Transport for All is a disabled and older persons’ organisation which champions accessible transport in London and the pledge commits its signatories to seven promises that will ensure our streets are accessible to everyone. 

The Council also called on the Mayor of London to respond to the Equal Pavements pledge with a comprehensive programme of support for boroughs to be delivered in this current term.

Cllr Caroline Russell, who proposed the motion said:

The news is full of stories about changes to our roads to cut the traffic, but pavements rarely hit the headlines. It’s hard to cut a ribbon on a well maintained pavement but really we should be celebrating basic maintenance and modest interventions like dropped kerbs!”

“Transport for All have raised some simple issues in their pledge – inconsistent tactile paving, uneven or steep pavements, potholes and tree roots, street clutter, stray bin bags and bollards – all of these things making our streets difficult and at times impossible for disabled and older people to use safely.


I’m really glad that my fellow councillors backed Transport for All’s Equal Pavements pledge. It is crucial our streets work for everyone and that we listen to and work with older and disabled people to ensure they are not deterred from getting around by pavements that are not fit for purpose”.


Katie Pennick of Transport for All said: 


 “My favourite way to get out and around in Islington is ‘on foot’, but as a wheelchair user this can often be difficult or impossible. Getting to the end of the pavement and finding a kerb that hasn’t been dropped means I have to turn around and find another route, adding significant time and stress to my journey. With the majority of Islington’s Tube stations lacking step-free access, disabled people have fewer options for sustainable transport.


We are delighted that Islington has taken our Equal Pavements Pledge, committing to 7 simple promises to ensure our streets are accessible to everyone, enabling more disabled people to use their local streets with independence and ease. We look forward to seeing the progress made.”



  • Watch the webcast
  • The motion was agreed unanimously.
  • Transport for All Equal Pavements campaign



Text of Motion to support the Transport for All Equal Pavements Pledge

This Council notes:

  • the campaign of Transport for All calling on councils and transport authorities to sign an Equal Pavements Pledge (appended below)
  • 95 per cent of roads are the responsibility of London boroughs and only 5 per cent belong to the TfL network. 
  • the majority of disabled people polled recently by Transport for All are worried that streets remain inaccessible with many streets still lacking even dropped kerbs to enable level access along pavements or to cross the street.
  • disabled people are concerned at the risk of further barriers being presented – either from the way in which changes to streets are delivered, or from al-fresco dining being delivered without consideration for the need for clear access on pavements.
  • Islington’s people-friendly pavements programme, created following feedback from local people and engagement with a range of organisations representing disabled people in Islington, including Disability Action in Islington and Transport for All
  • That people-friendly pavements is a key element of the people-friendly streets programme and will help the Council make Islington a better place for all
  • The programme will include measures such as footway repaving, additional dropped kerbs and street clutter removal, and more
  • our borough continues to need investment and progress in making pavements fully accessible


This Council notes that the Transport for All Equal Pavements Pledge outlines a need to:

  • Listen to disabled people, and act
  • Keep pavements clear
  • Cut pavement clutter
  • Reduce the impact of waste removal
  • Audit pavements and install dropped kerbs where they are missing
  • Protect blue badge parking, with relocation kept to a minimum
  • Work with disabled experts, committing to co-production of schemes

This Council resolves to:

  • support the Transport for All Equal Pavements Pledge
  • engage directly with organisations representing people with specific accessibility requirements 
  • call upon the Mayor of London through Transport for London (TfL) to respond to the Equal Pavements pledge with a comprehensive programme of support to boroughs to be delivered in this current term
  • Call on Central Government to fully fund TfL to support London Boroughs to deliver people-friendly Equal Pavements.
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