4th April 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green, Caroline Russell joined Jenny Jones this morning at London Bridge to launch the Green Party transport manifesto. The Green Party is the only party with policies that will provide the necessary investment in public transport, whilst reducing fares and cutting congestion on London’s roads. This is the message behind a comprehensive set of […]
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2nd April 2012 by Islington Green Party
Green Party candidate for North East Constituency, Caroline Allen today laid out policies designed to support Islington’s shopping streets. Green mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: “Decades of big-business government have left our high streets holding on by a thread. “As Mayor I would give communities and councils more power to keep jobs and money […]
1st April 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party have selected Claire Poyner as their candidate to run in the Holloway by-election on 3rd May. Claire has previously stood for the Greens in the 2006 and 2010 council elections for Holloway ward. Claire is fifty five years old and lives in Holloway with her partner Jon and daughter Jessica. She […]
30th March 2012 by Islington Green Party
The Labour-led Islington council is putting out increasingly confused messages about car travel in the borough – in the very week that it adopted Islington’s new Transport Strategy. At the full council meeting on the 29th of March, Councillor Janet Burgess responded to a question about asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by highlighting […]
19th March 2012 by Islington Green Party
?Greater protection for tenants, more affordable homes and renovation of empty properties are among the many ideas put forward by the Green Party this week, as housing policy became the focus of campaigning in the upcoming Mayor of London and London Assembly elections.??Recent statistics show that Islington has over 1851 empty properties, 51% of which […]
16th March 2012 by Islington Green Party
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has visited Islington to express her concern that EU limits, designed to protect resident’s health, are being routinely exceeded. Jean visited Highbury Barn and Blackstock Road, where levels 75% higher than EU limits have been recorded. She was joined by Green Party London Assembly candidates, Caroline Allen and […]
6th March 2012 by Islington Green Party
Caroline Allen, vet and Green Party candidate for Islington met Brian May, Queen guitarist and founder of the animal rights group Save Me last week, as she and Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones launched the London Green Party’s animal manifesto on Monday in Battersea Park. Jenny Jones said: “I want to make sure this great city leads […]
29th February 2012 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party responded to the inaugural journey of the Major’s new bus through Islington by slamming the fact that the money spent on this vanity project is delaying the wider fight against life threatening levels of air pollution on our streets. While TfL claim the new the bus has some good green credentials, […]
Council meeting attendees reacted with horror as Cllr Smith admitted he intended to take no action over levels of air pollution in the Borough exceeding EU safe limits by up to 75%. In fact Cllr Smith went further saying that we just had to put up with dangerously high levels of air pollution as an […]
28th February 2012 by Islington Green Party
At the national Green Party conference in Liverpool last week, Camden Green Party chair Natalie Bennett moved an addition to Green Party policy that sees the Party backing the campaign for the introduction of "proportional liability" (also known as "stricter liability") for road users. The campaign is supported by Road Peace, the Environmental Law Foundation, the London Cycling Campaign and many others. […]