5th April 2017 by Islington Green Party
After deciding, without consultation or warning, to close Sotheby Mews Day Centre, destroying the community built up over many years in this vital community centre, Islington Council moved to justify their actions by proposing to build much-needed social housing on the site. Islington Green Party welcomes new social housing, but rejects the idea that this […]
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3rd April 2017 by Islington Green Party
This is about people. Last Saturday again 100,000 people marched to Parliament. On the 60th anniversary of the European Union, people came together to celebrate 60 years of peace amongst neighbours.But while across Europe people came together in celebration, in London it was also a march of the disenfranchised. Not just the 31,000 EU citizens […]
31st March 2017 by Islington Green Party
Our next Green Party meeting will be held in Islington Town Hall on April 19th at 19.30, and will focus in on “What’s Next after Article 50”. We’ll be discussing the next steps campaigners can take post Article 50 being triggered. London Green Party Assembly Member and local Cllr Caroline Russell will speak of […]
30th March 2017 by Islington Green Party
On Islington Council’s website there is a section urging people to help deal with the budget cuts. Recycling features at the bottom: “It costs £80 per tonne to send rubbish to landfill, but only £15 per tonne to recycle it – and of course it’s better for the environment.” However, as the council dug deeper […]
25th March 2017 by Islington Green Party
In a stunning act of disregard for the residents of Highbury East, the Labour Council voted 9th February, without warning, to demolish Sotheby Mews Day Centre, depriving 120 pensioners of a vital social and caring centre in their neighbourhood. There was no consultation, and the pensioners heard the news not from the Council, but from […]
22nd March 2017 by Islington Green Party
10th March 2017 by Islington Green Party
Caroline Russell said; “Since 2010, Islington Council has lost around £150million of its funding from national government. These cuts have been cruel and highly damaging to our community. An additional £3million of cuts have been proposed by the council and are aimed at services for children, older people and people with learning difficulties. These services […]
3rd March 2017 by Islington Green Party
Ben Hickey, Islington Green Party Member, writes; “No matter where we live in Islington, the air we all breathe is now heavily polluted, even on quieter side streets. Children, old people and those with existing medical conditions such as asthma are especially likely to be affected. Thousands of people are now estimated to die each […]
23rd February 2017 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party held a public meeting on 22nd February to discuss the highly topical and important issue of air pollution. The event was held to hear from residents about their experiences of air pollution in Islington and to also hear about possible local solutions. The meeting also helped people of all ages to get involved […]
13th February 2017 by Islington Green Party
Islington Green Party is inviting people to attend a special public meeting on Wednesday 22nd February to discuss Islington’s recent and continuing high levels of air pollution. The meeting will take place in committee room 4 at Islington Town Hall from 7pm and attendees will hear from experts such as UCL’s Professor Andreas Sella, environmental […]