
Ann Boater

Ann Boater

Ann has been living with her husband Robin Latimer in Islington who have both been active with the Green Party and been active for over thirty years. They have been living in Tollington Ward for 27 years where they have raised their children through to adulthood.

Ann has had a career teaching in inner London Primary Schools, to which she expects to go return to, but since before the pandemic has been focussed on supporting her elderly mother and disabled brother. Ann and Robin are now preparing for the likelihood of hosting a couple of Ukrainian refugees.

Ann has worked voluntarily with children, young people, families and all members of the community in Islington and elsewhere. She has also participated actively in councils committees.

As a councillor Ann would work compassionately, collaboratively, conscientiously and creatively to make the changes required. Ann will carefully listen to the voice of every person living in the ward to identify needs and collect ideas for how to get effective, socially just and green solutions. This might be pressing for repairs on council properties, finding out information for people, or enabling everyone in the community to meet each other.

Robin Latimer

Robin Latimer

Robin has lived in Islington for 35 years, and on Tollington Way since 1996 with his wife, Ann Boater. They have 3 children aged between 19 and 25 who all grew up in the borough. Robin is a Quaker, a pacifist, and an active member of the Green Party.

He previously worked helping people overcome drug and alcohol addictions. He runs a small charity helping people at risk of offending or homelessness.

Jonathan Ward

Jonathan Ward - Jonathan Ward

Jonathan is an expert sustainability engineer. He is on the Steering Group of the Neighbourhood Planning Forum and is a long-standing governor of St Mark’s School.

Jonathan said “At the last local elections 98% of the councillors elected were from the Labour Party. Many of my neighbours say that’s not healthy for democracy. People want to see a more balanced council.

“Locally the Greens came second in the elections for Mayor and the London Assembly. For the by-election it’s a two-horse race between the Green Party and Labour."

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